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Tag: r

Updating columns of list based on match

Purpose The main purpose is to be able to compute the share of resources used by node i in relation to its neighbors: r_i / sum_j^i{r_j} where r_i are node i resources and sum_j^i{r_j} is the sum of i’s neighbors’ resources. I am open to any R, python or eventually stata solutions, that are able to achieve this task on

Is there a way to mimic the pipe operator from R in Python?

See the example below. Is it possible to put each Python operation on a new line? If I have many operations, the code is not all visible. I need to scroll the VS Code window to the right. Thanks Answer In Python, line breaks inside parentheses are ignored, so you could rewrite as: This post may be helpful.

Appending data with unequal data frame dimensions

What is the best way to append data using matching column names from two different data frames with differing dimensions? Scenario: Df1 = 350(rows)x2778(columns) Df2 = 321×2910 Df1 has <2778 columns with the exact same name as <2910 columns in Df2. -It could be 500 columns in each data frame as an example that have equivalent names What I want

Substitute the variables of a polynomial with caracas (Sympy)

I have a long polynomial in four variables x, y, z, w: I’m working with R. I want to use the caracas package (a wrapper of Sympy) to get this expression as a polynomial after doing a change of variables. Namely, I want to substitue x, y, z and w by respectively. I tried subs with no luck. Here is

Unable to determine R library path

I am new to R. I am running Jupyter Lab on a Windows 11 machine, and have created a virtual environment where I installed some packages and irkernel. I get the following message when I execute %load_ext rpy2.ipython: Here is my complete code: Apart from the environment variables, the above code comes from David Mertz book “Cleaning Data for Effective

Calling an R package function with rpy2

I’m new to R and need to pass string data from a pandas dataframe to a function in R. This function accepts nested lists of strings, such as: The code I tried two approaches: 1) That yielded KeyError: <class ‘list’> error message. 2) That yielded the error message: I checked if d is a list or not: I’d be grateful

R not attached in VS Code on Win10

I am recently switching from RStudio to VS Code. I have installed R extension in VS Code, but when I open VS Code and R terminal, R cannot be loaded. I followed coip’s method but still cannot get R loaded: ############################################################################## I followed coip’s suggstion and R is successfully activated. In another of my laptop (Win), R could be activated
