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Tag: random

Generate random binary matrix constrained to no null row

I want to generate a random binary matrix, so I’m using W=np.random.binomial(1, p, (n,n)). It works fine, but I want a constraint that no row is just of 0s. I create the following function: It also works fine, but it seems to me too inefficient. Is there a faster way to create this constraint? Answer When the matrix is large,

Return random numbers from lists of varying size with weights

I would like to split existing data for a train-test-split in python. Functions like sklearn.train_test_split() typically choose evenly distributed values as testdata. But since I want to check, whether my model can deal with skewed data (more training data on “the left side of the function”) I need to weigh the split more towards the left side of my data.

Coin flip based on randint returns false mostly?

I am writing a game in python using Pygame. In the game, I am setting a variable to a random value of either True or False using this statement: After running this 2 to 3 times, it kept returning False. At first, I thought that this was probably a coincidence, but after running this like 10 times, it returned True

random number generating function as argument in python

I want to pass a function which generates random normal numbers to another function, do some calculations and pass again the random function x times. At the end there should be a Dataframe with x colums with diffrent randomly generated outcomes. My code looks like this: But this gives me always identical columns. Answer I don’t think you can pass
