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Tag: python-3.x

TypeError: Object of type mappingproxy is not JSON serializable

I am having an issue when trying to convert a class object to JSON format. Actually, I have an ECG class object and my expectation is to convert that object to a string in JSON format. Ex: { “Source”: “MIT”, “FileName”: “100”, “Channel”: 2, “Record”: 11520000, “Time”: 1800, “SampleRate”: 500 } Log: Answer I tried to guess

Sort list of dictionaries with inconsistent keys

I want to sort a list of dictionaries. The problem is that key in the dictionaries are not same, but every dictionary will have only one item for sure. For example, [{‘foo’:39}, {‘bar’:7}, {‘spam’:35}, {‘buzz’:4}] Here, key is the name of the person and value is the age. I want result as [{‘buzz’: 4}, {‘bar’: 7}, {‘spam’: 35}, {‘foo’: 39}]

Accessing __doc__ of function inside a lambda

I would like to extract the docstring of a function once it has been wrapped in lambda. Consider the following example: I get: How can I reference the function called on “calling” the lambda one? Update Thanks for all answers: Answer There is no “good” way to do this. However, it is technically possible using the inspect module. Here is Sending attachments for ‘say’ command

I have a ‘say’ command for my bot where it repeats what the user writes in the command message: I want it to also include the attachments if the user included any, but i can’t seem to get it to work. I keep getting the error: What am i doing wrong? In the docs it says that the ctx.message.attachments

Python “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘flask'”

I am a beginner with the python programming. I have python 3 installed in my local system. I coding along as part of a tutorial video and as part of the tutorial, i have created a virtual environment and created an file with the below content. I have installed all the dependencies like flask and pytest in the virtual

Unable to send requests in the right way after replacing redirected url with original one using middleware

I’ve created a script using scrapy to fetch some fields from a webpage. The url of the landing page and the urls of inner pages get redirected very often, so I created a middleware to handle that redirection. However, when I came across this post, I could understand that I need to return request in process_request() after replacing the redirected
