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Tag: python-3.x

Using eval in the middle of a python statement

I want to use eval in the middle of the following python statement: but because it does not return any value (it works in an “in place” manner), I cannot actually use it there and instead I receive an error of TypeError: can only concatenate list (not “NoneType”) to list . Is there any way that I can fix this

How can show the singleton object’s attribution?

We can show instance’s attribution with dir function. Now create a class with metaclass method: Show Cls’s _instances attrubution: Why no string _instances in dir(Cls)? Answer Because it’s stored on the metaclass. To be clear, this has nothing to do with the singleton aspect.

Please help me use the selection description to write a program that displays the corresponding four seasons according to the month entered by the use [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Please use the selection description to write a program that displays the corresponding four seasons according to the month entered by the user input Output:

How to write a django orm-like module?

I am trying to write a orm package which source data is json, First I created a Department class (I am trying to mimic django model) Then I created Organization class as a search manager. My expected result is: But I have no idea how to achieve it, can anybody help me? Answer If you want to access the parent

What is the easiest way to get the url a link redirects to?

I have a number of urls that redirect to other ones and I would like to find the address of the links they redirect to. For example, redirects to I tried using the requests library like so: But I’m running getting the error below. Any idea what might be going wrong? Answer I reproduced your issue with the

Accessing M-values associated to LINESTRING M and MULTILINESTRING M geometries

How can I access a line geometry’s multiple M-values? Consider that the line geometry in question can be either a LINESTRING M or MULTILINESTRING M geometry that was created using osgeo/ogr. Here’s a small reproducible example: In the example above, the line_geom and mline_geom objects are successfully stored with their respective M-values, but I’m having a hard time accessing them.
