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Tag: plotly-dash

Overlay Two Plots in Plotly

Using seaborn I can combine two plots with the code below. Then, I obtain the following graph: I would like to have the same plot in Plotly so that I can use it in Dash. To do so, I have looked up old posts and used 1) fig = go.Figure(data = + worked but did not separate graphs

Callback from sunburst chart. DASH PLOTLY

i’m writing a code with a sunburst chart that will present all classes from some type of data, and when the user click on what class he wanna see my dropdown menu should present values only from that classe. So, my difficult where how to do this callback, cause all the ways that i tried failed. my df used look

Dash RangeSlider automatically rounds marks

I am using the RangeSlider in Python Dash. This slider is supposed to allow users to select a range of dates to display, somewhere between the minimum and maximum years in the dataset. The issue that I am having is that each mark shows as 2k due to it being automatically rounded. The years range between 1784 and 2020, with
