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Tag: cluster-analysis

How would I make clusters from a Levenshtein similarity matrix?

I have a similarity matrix of words and would like to apply an algorithm that can put the words in clusters. Here’s the example I have so far: Obviously this is a very simple dummy example, but what I would expect the output to be is 2 clusters, one with ‘The Bachelor’,’The Bachelorette’,’The Bachelor Special’, and the other with ‘SportsCenter’,’SportsCenter

Clustering different sets of points with different linear relationships to each other in Python

I need to cluster groups of points with the same linear relationship, as per the code and figure below. Obviously, I wouldn’t have the points that way; I would just have the following x and y. Note the following: the points respect linear relationships with high slope, they present a slight separation from each other, and they all have the

Get number of Clusters (3D)

I have a question about clustering. When you’re using k-nearest neighbour algorithm, you have to say, how many clusters you’re expecting. My problem is now, that I have some runs, where the number of clusters varies. I checked, and there are some methods how you can restrict, how many clusters you have, but these algorithms work for a two-dimensional problem.

How to count the same rows between multiple CSV files in Pandas?

I merged 3 different CSV(D1,D2,D3) Netflow datasets and created one big dataset(df), and applied KMeans clustering to this dataset. To merge them I did not use pd.concat because of memory error and solved with Linux terminal. All these datasets contain the same column names, they have 12 columns(all numerical values) Example expected result: cluster_0 has xxxx numbers of same rows
