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Tag: docstring

Accessing __doc__ of function inside a lambda

I would like to extract the docstring of a function once it has been wrapped in lambda. Consider the following example: I get: How can I reference the function called on “calling” the lambda one? Update Thanks for all answers: Answer There is no “good” way to do this. However, it is technically possible using the inspect module. Here is

Link function1.__doc__ to function2.__doc__

Does anybody know if it is possible to link a function1.__doc__ to a function2.__doc__ without writting it 2 times ? For example I tried something like: The last line is what I would like to have. Thanks ! :) Answer you can just assign it at after you define the function. Since a function is just an object in python

How to put a variable into Python docstring

So I’m trying to create a “dynamic” docstring which is something like this: to basically let the docstring for @param animalType show whatever ANIMAL_TYPES has; so that when this variable is updated, the docstring will be updated automatically. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work. Does anyone know if there is a way of achieving this? Answer Triple-quoted strings are one
