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Tag: lambda

SciPy Minimize doesn’t pass all guesses on?

I am trying to minimize a function of two variables using SciPy. The function itself is a chain of multiple lambda functions (makes it complicated but unfortunately it is the easiest way to write the expressions I need). However, when using SciPy’s minimize routine, I get the error “TypeError: () missing 1 required positional argument: ‘labour'” Strangely enough, if I

Get source function of lambda expression with captured variable

Having a lambda function that uses a regex: I would like to retrieve the source function including its pattern for error reporting. The expected output would be something like: func = lambda x: re.fullmatch(“black.*”, x) Knowing of the inspect module and the function getsource, I managed to solve part of my problem, but the pattern variable is not evaluated: which

Sort DataFrame based on part of its index

What I would like to achieve I have a DataFrame whose indices are “ID (int) + underscore (_) + name (str)”. I would like to sort the data based on the ID. What I tested I tried to use sort_index and failed. To be honest, I’m stuck at the debug of lambda. Environment Python 3.10.5 Pandas 1.4.3 Answer Try

What is the difference between Swift Closures, Java Closures, and Python Lambda expressions?

What is the difference between Swift Closures and Python Lambda expressions? I often see websites describe Swift closures as something similar to Python lambda expressions. They serve similar purposes and even the Swift Documentation for closures states that “Closures in Swift are similar to blocks in C and Objective-C and to lambdas in other programming languages.” Python Lambda Expressions Swift

Apply function to all columns of data frame python

I have two dfs AVERAGE_CALL_DURATION AVERAGE_DURATION CHANGE_OF_DETAILS 267 298 0 0 421 609.33 0.33 330 334 0 0 240.5 666.5 0 628 713 0 0 and AVERAGE_CALL_DURATION AVERAGE_DURATION CHANGE_OF_DETAILS -5.93 -4.95 0.90 593.50 595.70 1.00 I want to return 1 if the xx column contains the range within NoC_c (where column names are the same I can do this for
