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Tag: closures

What is the difference between Swift Closures, Java Closures, and Python Lambda expressions?

What is the difference between Swift Closures and Python Lambda expressions? I often see websites describe Swift closures as something similar to Python lambda expressions. They serve similar purposes and even the Swift Documentation for closures states that “Closures in Swift are similar to blocks in C and Objective-C and to lambdas in other programming languages.” Python Lambda Expressions Swift

Why aren’t python nested functions called closures?

I have seen and used nested functions in Python, and they match the definition of a closure. So why are they called “nested functions” instead of “closures”? Are nested functions not closures because they are not used by the external world? UPDATE: I was reading about closures and it got me thinking about this concept with respect to Python. I

Running unit tests on nested functions

I come from the Java world, where you can hide variables and functions and then run unit tests against them using reflection. I have used nested functions to hide implementation details of my classes so that only the public API is visible. I am trying to write unit tests against these nested functions to make sure that I don’t break
