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Tag: pip

Problems installing lxml on M1 mac

So, I’m having the classic trouble install lxml. Initially I was just pip installing, but when I tried to free up memory using Element.clear() I was getting the following error: I thought this must be because lxml is using the system’s libxml2 which is probably out of date. So I used homebrew to install libxml2 and libxlt, and I force

Upgrading pip to latest version using pip in conda using environment.yaml

I am trying to create an environment using environment.yaml, and for some reason the default pip installed in my environment by conda takes a long time to process the dependencies. For this reason, I am trying to somehow upgrade the pip version in the conda envrionment file. The pip version that comes with this installation is pip 21.2.2 . I

Why Can’t I Add Azure DB Extension on Mac?

I am following this guide: After successfully completing Step 1 and Step 2, I get to Step 3: “Install the db-up extension for the Azure CLI: az extension add –name db-up” Yet, when I run this command, I receive the following output: Any ideas here? I’ve tried some of the solutions to similar errors I’ve found on Stack/GitHub, but

error install PyQt5 on Yocto Linux – board Variscite

I have a problem installing a PyQt5 python package. I am in Yocto Linux environment (Hardknott kernel 5.10.35) on the Variscite board (DART-MX8M-PLUS). This is the log when I try to install with pip: Instead, this is the list of currently installed python packages: How can it be solved? Thanks in advance! Answer Do not bother installing packages natively on

ModuleNotFoundError for ibm-watson-machine-learning package

I entered following command in my jupyter notebook: !pip install -U ibm-watson-machine-learning and with I can see the package install with !pip list. But when I try to import like so: import ibm_watson_machine_learning, I get following error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘ibm_watson_machine_learning’. Answer SOLVED: For me, I simply needed to update all my packages in conda with conda upgrade –all.
