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Tag: pypi

pip ignores python_requires field in setup

I have the following in my setup.cfg file: Problem is that I created an enviroment with Python 3.7 and installation had no problems. Installation command: Shouldn’t pip require a Python 3.8 enviroment? Here is the test.PyPI link: PyPI project, and here the repo: GitHub repo I know that the setup.cfg file is working because pip install packages in install_requires field

How to restrict PyPi project search by adding search terms?

When I enter multiple words into PyPi project search, I would expect to get results matching all of the search terms, like in Google Search. But instead, it seems to return results matching any of the search terms. For example, a search for lemmatize gives 230 results; a search for german gives 1526 results; but when I enter both lemmatize

Import homemade package without duplicating name

I’ve built a package which I distributed through PyPI. The upload, download, installation, and the package itself, all work fine. My problem is that in order to run it I need to call the package name twice, which I want to avoid. I want it to go like this: But it only works like this: Rather than having package_name be

Remove parent directories in python build source archive

I have the following setup for my python package: The is empty, the pyproject.toml and the setup.cfg contain example output from the PyPi documentation page (content shown below). Now, for uploading to PyPi and for packing the python project, I run the command This gives me a new directory dist (in my_package) containing a Test-0.0.0.tar.gz. All this is expected.

how to make a package(pypi) for pyqt5 app on windows?

I wrote an application with pyqt5 and packaged it using python sdist to make it available on PyPi the app runs well on Linux distributions but there is a problem with windows when i run it ,it does open a console then the actual app shows up is there any way to fix it ? Answer Instead of
