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Tag: pypi

Python – TicTacToe

In this question I have to create a TicTacToe game in python which will run in terminal. This is a 2player game and if any player wins by the rules of TicTacToe, Winner = player 1/2 has to be printed. I’m getting a winner statement when I have three 0’s or 1’s diagonally but I’m not getting winner in other

PyPI personal module cannot be imported by other users or myself?

I am currently working on a rather simply Python module and I’ve been trying to publish it on PyPI all day. This is my first time doing it. I’ve succesfully built it using python3 sdist bdist_wheel then done python3 -m twine upload –repository testpypi dist/* and twine upload dist/* and it is successfully uploaded as seen here. However, when

What is the difference between tf-nightly and tensorflow in PyPI?

What is the difference between tf-nightly and tensorflow in PyPI? Which one is reliable? Answer Just to add to what Ben Souchet wrote: As its name suggests, the tf-nightly pip package is built and released to PyPI every night (barring any build failures, which happens rarely). As a result, you can see an almost once-per-day version update history.

Upload to pypi from Gitlab Pipelines

I’m trying to upload a package to pypi using a Gitlab CI job, but I cannot make it work :/ Anyone has a working example? What I have tried so far in my .gitlab-ci.yaml (from my local machine all of them are working): Twine with a .pypirc file Same as before but with $VARIABLE Two options before but using python

Why is Twine 1.9.1 still uploading to legacy PyPi?

I want to upload packages to as mentioned in the Migrating to documentation, but Twine uploads to It’s available on, but is not found on I’ve tried to read several other questions, tutorials, and guides. My pip.ini-file (I’m on Windows 10) looks like this: I don’t have my username or password stored, so the [pypi]

How can I re-upload package to pypi?

I upload a package to pypi, but I got some trouble after upload, so I delete it completely, and I tried to re-upload, but there are some error after upload again: HTTP Error 400: This filename has previously been used, you should use a different version. error: HTTP Error 400: This filename has previously been used, you should use a

How do I download the entire pypi Python Package Index

I’m trying to find a way to download the entire PyPi index – and only the index – no code files. I’m wanting to analyze license types to be able to rule out libraries that have too restrictive license types. I’ve looked online and through the user’s guide, but if the answer is there, it eludes me. Answer Well, you

PyCharm Error Loading Package List

I just downloaded PyCharm the other day and wanted to download a few packages. I’m using Windows 10 with PyCharm 2016.2.2 and python 3.5.2. When I go to the available packages screen it continually states: Error loading package I was just trying to download BeautifulSoup and I’m clearly missing something. Any help would be wonderful. Answer I am behind

Using an extra python package index url with

Is there a way to use an extra Python package index (ala pip –extra-index-url mypackage) with so that running python install can find the packages hosted on Answer If you’re the package maintainer, and you want to host one or more dependencies for your package somewhere other than PyPi, you can use the dependency_links option of

How to specify multiple author(s) / email(s) in

We wrote a small wrapper to a twitter app and published this information to But just contained a single field for specifying email / name of the author. How do I specify multiple contributors / email list, to the following fields since we would like this package to be listed under our names, much similar to how it
