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Tag: installation

Location for Python version on macOS (using universal-installer for 3.10.5)

My very first post here, as new comer to MacOS and Python. Recently installed python 3.10.5 via macOS 64-bit universal2 installer .pkg file downloaded from > Downloads > mac OS on MacOS 12.4 [M1/Apple Silicon]. In terminal, the command python3 shows the version as 3.10.5. But echo $PATH is giving me a path leading to /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/bin I was expecting

How to install the package scikit-geometry?

I am trying to compute a class of Minkowski sums for some mathematical work, but there are too many to do by hand in a reasonable amount of time. I found this documentation for a package called scikit-geometry, but when I write import skgeom as sg as in the examples in the documentation, VSCode can’t find the module. The documentation

Pip install a whl on a private github repo?

How can one install a .whl (python library) from a private github repo? I have setup a personal access token and can install the library if its not a .whl by using the following command However if there is a .whl in the repo and I want to install from that using: Then I get the following error: I am

Install python shout module in windows 10 (python version 3.9)

I am trying to install python-shout module in windows 10 but it fails. In the ubuntu works well. Edit (06/10/2022): Here is what i have tried to build python-shout in native windows Only download libshout module files from here: Note that i download all the 14 dependencies + this package: winpthreads I renamed the 15 zst files to have names

How to instal Python packages for Spyder

I am using the IDE called Spyder for learning Python. I would like to know in how to go about in installing Python packages for Spyder? Answer step 1. First open Spyder and click Tools –> Open command prompt. For more details click visit this link,
