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Tag: macos

Secrets pip not downloading MacOS

the secrets library is not downloading when I try to install the pip. My python is updated to 3.11.0. Wondering if that may be the issue? The last note leads me to believe that it is to do with the library itself. Answer A the error mentions: ImportError: Installing this module requires OpenSSL python bindings, you are probably missing OpenSSL

Use opt/ cmd + Backspace in tkinter

I have a very simple notepad that is made out of the tk.text widget. The only thing lacking is OPT/ CMD + Backspace support on Mac (deleting lines and words). Any way i could add support for it? either through tkinter directly or though a selfmade function? EDIT: I also found out that navigating text using OPT and the arrow

Issues installing ueberzug on macos

I’ve been using the lf file manager lately and wanted to try setting up ueberzug as my previewer. However, getting ueberzug to install and run properly on my mac has been a real issue. Is it perhaps that I’m missing some dependencies, like X11 or some other library? I’d really appreciate it if someone could lend me a hand and

Location for Python version on macOS (using universal-installer for 3.10.5)

My very first post here, as new comer to MacOS and Python. Recently installed python 3.10.5 via macOS 64-bit universal2 installer .pkg file downloaded from > Downloads > mac OS on MacOS 12.4 [M1/Apple Silicon]. In terminal, the command python3 shows the version as 3.10.5. But echo $PATH is giving me a path leading to /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/bin I was expecting

Tkinter: Color Chooser on MacOS

The Python Tkinter color chooser does not work in Python Version 3.8.5 on Mac. Whenever I type in colorchooser.askcolor(), It always outputs Traceback (most recent call last): File “<pyshell#5>”, line 1, in <module> colorchooser.askcolor() NameError: name ‘colorchooser’ is not defined. I did this all in the shell and I didn’t forget to add from tkinter import *. Could you please

Pythonw stuck on python2.7 on MacOS X 10.15.7 in conda environment

How can I force pythonw to use python3 instead of python2? Here are the outputs from my zsh terminal (MacOS X 10.15.7): However when it comes to pythonw, I get such an output: How can I make the pythonw to execute using python3? Additional info – I am trying to install DeepLabCut software package with these instructions, and everything works
