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Tag: html

How can i click an button inside 2 divs in selenium python?

I’m trying to make selenium click Button1 but for some reasons, I get the following error: selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate element: Button1 I believe the error is happening because it is inside a div/ul/li tag but I can’t either figure out how to do it, I’m stuck. HTML: Python Code: Edit: I found out that the html is generated

flask.cli.NoAppException: Could not import “app”

My application’s name is, and it’s in a folder named ToDo-App, and within this folder there is another folder called templates, that contains the index.html file. In the terminal: Esam@DESKTOP-73QDAD3 MINGW32 /i/web/advanced-track/1-sql_and_data_modeling_for_the_web/ToDo-App $ FLASK_DEBUG=true flask run Serving Flask app “” (lazy loading) Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.

How to format dynamically generated HTML with django

I’m trying to create a sheet of labels to print out with a QR code a logo and phone number, the QR codes are generated separately from an xlsx file and they work. My issue is formatting them in the HTML. I’m not sure how to change the for loop so it creates a row for each time an image

Display IFrame IPython with custom auth headers

I am developing a JupyterLab Notebook and I need to embed a website for interaction with a dashboard from within the same notebook. This would be quite straight-forward using an IFrame. However, to access this website, that I launch on my public server, JWT authentication is required so I need to send an additional header with the token. Which is
