I have tried to add a book in to the database using an HTML form. After the submission, the page redirect to a page where all the books are listed .Then whenever I refresh the page , the data is became duplicated. How do I resolve this problem? urls.py views.py Template file: Answer This is most common problem, the thing
Tag: django-views
AttributeError: ‘tuple’ object has no attribute ‘model’. How to fix this error?
I’m new to Django. Please help me to solve this error. I’m not getting any solution. I tried many stackoverflow solutions and GitHub solutions but I’m not getting where the error is coming from. urls.py models.py views.py serializers.py Exception log Here is the github link of the app – Django I tried many stackoverflow solutions but I am not understanding
I would like to limit the borrowing objects in my Django app
I have an app that displays games and users can borrow them. I want to limit the amount of borrowed games for each user to max 3 games. I created two models borrow and games. The methods work well except for the max borrowing. Answer You can check whether he has borrowed more than 3 games in form.is_valid() if like
How can I delete all user data when deleting profile on Django using signals.py
how can I delete all user data when deleting a user profile on Django using signals.py? I am trying to delete a custom user model using Django and when the profile is deleted I want to delete all data of that user using signals.py how can I create it? I want to delete blogs of the user-written when the profile
Direct assignment to the forward side of a many-to-many set is prohibited. Use coolbox_id.set() instead. helpme
I am getting this error when i use many to many field help me plsssssss views.py I’ve been stuck here for 3 days now. At first I used it as a CharField so I could add it, but when I added another ID it couldn’t add it. It says there is a problem in this part ship_id_max = shipping.objects.aggregate(Max(‘shipping_id’))[‘ship_id__max’] models.py
List View is not working but get_context_data() works
I have a ListView but when I call it only the get_context_data method works (the news and category model, not the product) when I try to display the information of the models in the templates. view: There is also this piece of code: context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) If it’s written before: categories = Category.objects.all() The Product model is show but not
Django IntegrityError (1048, “Column ‘item_id_id’ cannot be null”)
Here is my models.py Items model from different App: My views.py Forms.py My template And the form when i run the server is this: Answer In you model the field is named item_id but in your ModelForm the field is named itemID. The field names should be the same. Rename the fields in your ModelForm so they match the Model.
Django Rest API from Database
I have 2 APIs from my existing project. Where One provides the latest blog posts and another one provides sorting details. The 2nd API (sorting) gives blog posts ID and an ordering number, which should be in the 1st,2nd,3rd…n position. If I filter in the first API with that given ID I can get the blog post details. How can
Key (id)=() is still referenced from table for onetoone field
I have 1 to 1 field in my model where i would still need to link the data with other while i delete them on the other table.In my view i am deleting model 2 instance while that is deleted i am setting the completed to Tue but it is throwing error. models.py Answer There’s missing a default value or
Automatic avoidance of category duplicates
I have the problem with Category Model. I have 2 tables: so they are standard models with categories. User can create Category by creating a movie with the name of category additionaly. The problem is when user is trying to create Movie with category name that already exists, because it will create another category with the same name (like duplicate)