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Tag: flask

How to download a file with plotly-dash on a multi-page app?

I already know about the following approach (link here): But the problem is, when I use a multi-page-approach like suggested from Plotly (link here (below “Structuring a Multi-Page App” – I cannot use server.route because it will be caught by the callback shown above. What is the best way to still make files downloadable? Answer Ok, I have solved

Connecting Flask Socket.IO Server and Flutter

Basically, I have a socket io flask code: This code is working fine when I try to connect it to javascript However in flutter I can not achieve that I have stateful Widget that has a button in it And I am using this function to connect to my socket when the button is pressed I can not connect it

Configure Python Flask RESTplus app via TOML file

Based on the Configuration Handling Documents for Flask the section of Configuring from Files mentions a possibility to configure the App using files however it provides no example or mention of files that are not Python Files. Is it possible to configure apps via files like config.yml or config.toml? My Current flask app has configurations for two distinct databases and

geopy wont return proper coordinates for canadian postal codes

I am trying to convert Canadian Postal codes into lat, long coordinates however geopy returns them as either none or somewhere in a different country Output AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘latitude’ OR some random address Answer I think the problem here is either the API you use for geopy does not support for CA zip code, or you
