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Failed to set remote answer sdp: Called in wrong state: stable

I am trying to write a WebRTC application using The signalling server is written in python and looks like this. The client side looks like this Also i use this code for client as When two people are in the connection, everything works great. But as soon as a third user tries to connect to them, the

Connecting Flask Socket.IO Server and Flutter

Basically, I have a socket io flask code: This code is working fine when I try to connect it to javascript However in flutter I can not achieve that I have stateful Widget that has a button in it And I am using this function to connect to my socket when the button is pressed I can not connect it

flask socketio CORS

I’ve been trying to send data from flask over socket io. I need to access this data from a different origin, but it is giving a CORS error. I have tried using all kinds of cross origin stuff and none of it has worked. Can somebody help with this. The view that should be called thought socket io: Running the
