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Tag: amazon-s3

Get all File from Subfolder Boto3

I have this code to download all the files from a buckets AWS S3 Inside that bucket, I have a folder called “pictures” How can I get the files only in my folder? My try: Answer Inside that bucket, I have a folder called “pictures” How can I get the files only in my folder? You can get the files

S3 notifications generating multiple events and how to handle them

There is this S3 notification feature described here: Amazon S3 event notifications are designed to be delivered at least once. Typically, event notifications are delivered in seconds but can sometimes take a minute or longer. and discussed here. I thought I could mitigate the duplications a bit by deleting files I have already processed. The problem is, when a second

Query S3 from Python

I am using python to send a query to Athena and get table DDL. I am using start_query_execution and get_query_execution functions in the awswrangler package. The code above creates a dict object that stores query results in an s3 link. The link can be accessed by res[‘ResultConfiguration’][‘OutputLocation’]. It’s a text link: s3://…..txt Can someone help me figure how to access

python collectstatic not working: TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, NoneType found

I have been following this video on Youtube: My project so far is working fine with static files and all the files load and work properly. So, now I have to deploy the website on Heroku and for that, I uploaded the database on Amazon AWS using this video. After bucket creation, I did the configurations as mentioned in

How to copy .2D file from web to S3 bucket? Failing on decode

I am copying files from a website to a S3 bucket. Everything else is copying fine, even odd extensions that I haven’t heard of before. The extension that I am having problems with is “.2D”. Currently using this code, and it is working for all but the .2D files. Might be a VERSACAD file. Anyone work with this file or

Copy a large amount of files in s3 on the same bucket

I got a “directory” on a s3 bucket with 80 TB ~ and I need do copy everything to another directory in the same bucket source = s3://mybucket/abc/process/ destiny = s3://mybucket/cde/process/ I already tried to use aws s3 sync, but worked only for the big files, still left 50 TB to copy. I’m thinking about to use a boto3 code
