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Tag: virtualenv

How to set PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT on per-project basis

I want pipenv to create its virtualenv in $PROJECTDIR/.venv automatically for everyone who checks out the project. So far, I see only the following options working, none of which is satisfying: Ask users to set PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 globally, forcing my project preferences on each of their other projects. Ask users to always invoke pipenv via “PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv” when inside my project,

pip command not found in virtual env even if file is there

These are the steps I did: Created a virtual env using python3 -m venv myvenv Activate the virtual env using myvenv/bin/activate Run python -m pip install –upgrade pip, to upgrade pip. run pip install -r requirements.txt It throws an error: bash: /Users/vince/Django Projects/test/myvenv/bin/pip: “/Users/vince/Django: bad interpreter: No such file or directory When I tried using pip2 install, it works, why

Separating development and production dependencies with virtualenv

I have a simple flask app, where I use virtualenv for managing my dependencies. However, I would like to separate my dependencies. For testing I use Flask-Testing, but this is a dependency I wouldn’t want to include in my production environment. How can separate my dependencies, so that I have separate dependencies for development and for production? Answer You can

Failed to activate virtualenv with pyenv

I run: And I get: I am trying to follow this tutorial: Other info: I recently made my .bash_profile it contains: What should I do to properly start virtualenv? Answer That should be in .bashrc, not .bash_profile. The latter is executed only by login shells, the former by all interactive shells.
