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Tag: pyinstaller

pyinstaller does not support importing kivy screen with exec

I have a kivymd app designed using the lazy loading method (all the screens and their kv files are placed in different folders so that they can be called when the user needs them using exec and eval, something similar to these projects kitchensink and kivy-lazy-loading-template). that works very well in pycharm. folders diagram: I tried to get windows output

Cannot install Pyinstaller under Wine on Kali Linux

I am getting syntax error ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1 … while trying to install Pyinstaller under Wine on Kali Linux in a virtual environment I’m getting an error as follows: I have python2 version 2.7.18 and python version 3.9.10 installed and pip 22.1.2 from /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pip. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Python, Wine but the error

Pyinstaller one file package is leaving temp files when crashed, how to clean those automatically?

I am using pyinstaller to create one file executable with command line. Like all “one file” exeutables, it extracts binaries/dependencies in one temporary folder of OS whenever opened. It generally clean those after closing the application properly but when I close the command line (or when the app crashes) then it leaves all those extracted temp files behind in that

‘pdflatex’ not found in subprocess within a bundled PyInstaller APP

I am attempting to create a macOS standalone app from a PyQt5 GUI using PyInstaller. All works apart from automatically generating a PDF from a TEX file using the pdflatex module (in conjunction with Pylatex). Both the pylatex and pdflatex modules require calling the subprocess module, which is done as following: Where args=[‘pdflatex’, ‘-output-directory=/Users/Desktop’, ‘-interaction-mode=batchmode’, ‘-jobname=test’] This however does not

Pyinstaller Error when try to create exe file

When i try to create the executable for my program using pyinstaller –onefile it gives me this error. pyqt5 and all the required packages are installed for the program but when i tried to create the executable it gives me this error what is wrong with the process Answer Finally i found a solution to fix the error. it

.py executable file not able to find imported functions included in the script when executed, why?

I have a .py script which import some functions from an another .py script, located in an another directory in the same folder. And some of those scripts import functions from some other .py scripts contained in the folder itself. I have created an executable file of my file (which eventually uses functions from all other files) using pyinstaller.

Pyinstaller loading splash screen

Pyinstaller recently added a splash screen option (yay!) but the splash stays open the entire time the exe is running. I need it because my file opens very slowly and I want to warn the user not to close the window. Is there a way I can get the splash screen to close when the gui opens? Answer from pyinstaller
