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Tag: uvicorn

How to stop uvicorn ASGI web server running when building Dockerfile?

Docker build running endlessly I’m trying to build a docker image, but i’m running into an issue with uvicorn server running while building which causes it to never build. so i’m looking for an alternative way of building/running the docker image. Required the docker image should run the uvicorn server on startup Haven’t found any real solution from browsing SOF/Google

Serving file asyncronously with Django and uvicorn

I have a Django view that serves the content of a file. The Django application was running with WSGI until recently. This worked fine. Then I adapted my application to use ASGI running uvicorn. The file serving is now broken as it seems to loose the connection. How can I serve the file asynchronously with Django and uvicorn? Current view:

how to design a fastapi app with independent background computation?

I’ve created a python main application, which I invoke with uvicorn main.main –reload. Which of course runs the following code… That part of the application runs constantly, reads data an processes it until the application is aborted manually. I use asyncio to run coroutines. Task I would like to build a small html dashboard on it, which can display

Problem installing Uvicorn in Termux, Android

I am trying to install and run FastAPI in Termux. I install FastAPI successfully. But when I try to install uvicorn with pip install “uvicorn[standard]” I get this error. I can’t paste the error here, because Stackoverflow identifies it as spam, here is a link However, I successfully installed it with pip install uvicorn. But when I try uvicorn main:app

FastAPI with uvicorn getting 404 Not Found error

I’m trying (failing) to set up a simple FastAPI project and run it with uvicorn. This is my code: This is what I run from the terminal: As you see, I get a 404 Not found. What could be the reason? Some network-related stuff, possibly firewall/vpn blocking this connection or something else? I’m new to this. Thanks in advance! Answer
