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Tag: virtualenv

virtualenv activate does not work

I am trying to create a virtual environment to test an api. I can create the environment just fine using virtualenv test, then I can cd into it. When I try to run activate, I get this error: I recently updated windows, and it replaced the cmd with Windows Powershell. My virtualenv worked fine with the cmd, so I suspect

How to rename a virtualenv in Python?

I misspelled the name of the virtualenv while initializing it using: I actually intended to create the environment with the name venv. Having tried to rename the vnev folder to venv, I find that this doesn’t provide much help. The name of the activate environment still renames the old vnev. I would like to know how to go about renaming

What is the difference between venv, pyvenv, pyenv, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, pipenv, etc?

Python 3.3 includes in its standard library the new package venv. What does it do, and how does it differ from all the other packages that match the regex (py)?(v|virtual|pip)?env? Answer This is my personal recommendation for beginners: start by learning virtualenv and pip, tools which work with both Python 2 and 3 and in a variety of situations, and

Unable to install boto3

I have trouble installing boto3 inside a virtual environment. I have done what the document says. First I activated virtual environment. then I did a: Now I enter python But if I import boto, it works Why does it install boto 2.38 when I installed boto3. I tried closing the terminal and re-opened it. Should I restart the Ubuntu machine?

Error with pointing to correct python version:

I get this error when I boot up terminal: I need to “point” my virtual environment to the version of python I’m using. How can I do this? Answer I had the same exact issue and updating my path didn’t help anything, nor did setting VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON and VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV. This is because I was seeing this strange behavior when running my

how to deactivate virtualenv from a bash script

I’m a novice in shell scripting, but I want to make a bash script for activate/deactivate a virtual enviroment using virtualenv. Then I want to use this script like a service in Ubuntu copying it inside /etc/init.d folder. In my script, I have a variable like this: VENV=/opt/odoo/odoo_server/venv_oddo/bin This variable represents the bin path in my virtual enviroment. Inside the

Why do people create virtualenv in a docker container?

You can build a container with Dockerfile in a few seconds. Then why do people need to install a virtual enviroment inside the docker container? It’s like a “virtual machine” in a virtual machine ? Answer I am working with virtualenvs in Docker and I think there are several reasons: you may want to isolate your app from system’s python

Running bpython inside a virtualenv

I have created a virtualenv and installed SQLAlchemy in it: import works in python: But it does not work in bpython: Why can’t bpython find the package installed in the virtualenv, even though it is executed after source alchemy/bin/activate is called? Answer bpython must be installed in the virtualenv, otherwise the external, system-wide bpython is called:
