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Tag: virtualenv

How to install python library Pyexiv2 and Gexiv2 on osx 10.6.8?

Does anyone knows how to install the python library pyexiv2 and/or Gexiv2 on Mac OSX, ideally on version 10.6.8 and in a virtualenv? Answer It’s pretty simple with Homebrew package manager: If you’re using Macports, it also has exiv2 formulas: –Edit– A side note: I got segfault at “import pyexiv2”. It turned out I have system Python 2.7.2 and

Sorting out Django and MySQL in virtualenv

I’m following this tutorial to get started with Django, but I’m very confused about how to integrate MySQL. Doing this in the context of virtualenv (which is new to me) seems to complicate things even further. I’m running on Ubuntu and the MySQL server is on another host. Here are my specific questions: What packages do I need to install

Pip install Matplotlib error with virtualenv

I am trying to install matplotlib in a new virtualenv. When I do: or I get this error: Anyone have an idea what is going on? Any help much appreciated. Answer Building Matplotlib requires libpng (and freetype, as well) which isn’t a python library, so pip doesn’t handle installing it (or freetype). You’ll need to install something along the lines

Issue with virtualenv – cannot activate

I created a virtualenv around my project, but when I try to activate it I cannot. It might just be syntax or folder location, but I am stumped right now. You can see below, I create the virtualenv and call it venv. Everything looks good, then I try to activate it by running source venv/bin/activate I’m thinking it might just

Python virtualenv questions

I’m using VirtualEnv on Windows XP. I’m wondering if I have my brain wrapped around it correctly: I ran virtualenv ENV and it created C:WINDOWSsystem32ENV. I then changed my PATH variable to include C:WINDOWSsystem32ENVScripts instead of C:Python27Scripts. Then, I checked out Django into C:WINDOWSsystem32ENVLibsite-packagesdjango-trunk, updated my PYTHON_PATH variable to point the new Django directory, and continued to easy_install other things

virtualenv in PowerShell?

There seems to be a problem when virtualenv is used in PowerShell. When I try to activate my environment in PowerShell like… .. nothing happens. (the shell prompt should have changed as well as the PATH env. variable .) I guess the problem is that PowerShell spawns a new cmd. process just for running the activate.bat thus rendering the changes

Virtualenv on Ubuntu with no site-packages

I’ve been using virtualenv lately while developing in python. I like the idea of a segregated development environment using the –no-site-packages option, but doing this while developing a PyGTK app can be a bit tricky. The PyGTK modules are installed on Ubuntu by default, and I would like to make a virtualenv (with –no-site-packages) aware of specific modules that are
