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Tag: python

Filter dataframe based on 2 columns

I have a big dataframe city Flow Berlin False Berlin True Vienna False Vienna True Vienna False Frankfurt True Frankfurt False I want to remove only the rows where city and flow is Vienna and false using python Resulting dataframe should be city Flow Berlin False Berlin True Vienna True Frankfurt True Frankfurt False Answer Try:

Upgrading pip to latest version using pip in conda using environment.yaml

I am trying to create an environment using environment.yaml, and for some reason the default pip installed in my environment by conda takes a long time to process the dependencies. For this reason, I am trying to somehow upgrade the pip version in the conda envrionment file. The pip version that comes with this installation is pip 21.2.2 . I

Pandas: add column name to a list, if the column contains a specific set of value

I wish to create a new list which contains column names of those columns which have atleast one of the following values. Most of the time Quite Often Less than often Never Sample : df ={‘A’:[‘name1’, ‘name2’, ‘name3’, ‘name4’], h_ls = [‘B’,’E’,’F’] I tried the following code I get an error that says ‘Timestamp’ object has no attribute ‘startswith’ It

cvxpy not allowing item assignment for MulExpression

I have a sparse matrix operation as part of the optimization constraint. I can implement the program in Matlab cvx, now I am trying to implement a cvxpy version. The problem is following constraint: M is a sparse matrix, with only a few entries are declared variables. I don’t know a decent way to construct this constraint. For example, M
