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Tag: python

Does a JS equivalent of Python’s Multiple Variable Assignment exist?

Python has a succinct way of assigning a function with a parameter to multiple variables, done as a one-liner. I would like to know whether JavaScript has the same, or similar way of doing that. I have found several examples describing multiple variable assignments for JavaScript, using multiple assignments and Destructuring. The issue with these methods is that they can,

Processing multiple modes in pandas

I’m obviously dealing with slightly more complex and realistic data, but to showcase my trouble, let’s assume we have these data: I want to find modal values of purchases by date: agg_mode will show that for user_id 100 we have two modal values: [cookies, jam]. This is totally fine with me, when it comes to real data we’ve come up

How does Tokenizer in tensorflow deal with out of vocabulary tokens if I don’t provide oov_token?

I didn’t get any error with that code even though I didn’t provide oov_token argument. I expected to get an error in test_tweets = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(X_test) How does tensorflow deal with out of vocabulary words during the test time when you don’t provide the oov_token? Answer OOV words will be ignored / discarded by default, if oov_token is None:
