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Tag: python

How to write BigTable table data into a pandas dataframe?

I am trying to read a GCP BigTable – table to a pandas dataframe, and currently, the function I am using to fetch rows from BigTable is read_rows(), which returns PartialRowData. Code: Output: <class ‘’> Query: How do we read the values from PartialRowData obj? Answer There’s an example on how to call read_rows in this documentation:

ImportError: cannot import name ‘_unicodefun’ from ‘click’

When running our lint checks with the Python Black package, an error comes up: ImportError: cannot import name ‘_unicodefun’ from ‘click’ (/Users/robot/.cache/pre-commit/repo3u71ccm2/py_env-python3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/` In researching this, I found the following related issues: ImportError: cannot import name ‘_unicodefun’ from ‘click’ #2976 ImportError: cannot import name ‘_unicodefun’ from ‘click’ #6013 How can I solve this problem? Is this a false positive from the

How to print a standard circle in the console window?

I am trying to print an arbitrary math function through a callback function, the execute() function will iterate over all integer coordinates (x,y), if the callback returns true then canvas[x][y] = ‘*’. But my implementation only works when printing straight lines, always fails to print hollow circles The following two pictures are the printed x shape and the wrong ring

cv2.boundingRect creating issue

I am working on preprocessing images of digits. Each image contains a single number and some unwanted contours . This noise or contours can be in the form of lines or small dots. My task is to remove these contours. So I decided to use the following algorithm Find all contours Sort the contours according to the area in descending

Inputting just a comma returns strange behaviour

Today I by mistake inputted just a comma on an interactive session Input: and I noticed strangely that it did not return an error but instead: Output So I explored a bit this behaviour and tried some random stuff, and it seems like it creates tuples of strings, but it seems like these objects cannot be interacted with: returns: Trying

Heroku fails to deploy Python discord bot

Every time i try to deploy my bot it shows me this error: —–> Building on the Heroku-20 stack —–> Using buildpack: heroku/python —–> App not compatible with buildpack: More info: ! Push failed I have Procfile, requirments.txt, runtime.txt. The requirments.txt: discord The runtime.txt: python-3.10.3 What should i do? Answer I fixed it, because i missed a letter
