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Tag: super

Custom Transformer Class Inheritance [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 6 months ago. Improve this question I’m attempting to put together a Custom Transformer for sklearn which returns either

Extending dictionary with cascading methods

I am extending the dict class in python: I would like to be able to do: the problem I have here is that jmespath can return a list, so I cannot do: Next idea would be creating a prettyprint class that superDict would inherit from and could also be used in the return of search: But I can’t figure out

IntegrityError NOT NULL constraint failed: – in validating form missing user id (foreing key of anothermodel)

Previous title: Unable to import ‘misaka’ – Django I am following a tutorial about how to build a social network. I run into this error: IntegrityError at /posts/new/ NOT NULL constraint failed: posts_post.user_id Complete traceback (please note the lines in bold): The lines in bold are pointing to these two pieces of code: 1: In in form_valid: 2: In

Init super with existing instance?

Suppose I have: How do I correctly initialize the super class with the output of the super class method rather than init? My OOP background is in C++ and I am continually getting into these scenarios due to the ability to overload constructors in C++, so a workaround for this would be awesome. Answer @shx2’s answer works but wastefully/awkwardly creates
