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Tag: python

Trying to run python script in PHP

I’m trying to run a Python script inside a perl script with the following command: On the operating system’s command line, the Python script executes, but when I make a call from a PHP application, the perl work, but the python script don’t work. Answer Do you get any error message from Perl side? Likely where your PHP/Perl script runs

Comparing two dictionaries with numpy arrays as values

I’m writing tests using pytest. I have two dictionaries with numpy arrays that looks something like: When I try to compare two of these using assert dict_1 == dict_2, I get an error saying ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() And it seems like any() and all() only

Move ticks and labels to the top of a pyplot figure

As per this question, moving the xticks and labels of an AxesSubplot object can be done with ax.xaxis.tick_top(). However, I cannot get this to work with multiple axes inside a figure. Essentially, I want to move the xticks to the very top of the figure (only displayed at the top for the subplots in the first row). Here’s a silly

Create a dataframe containing all weekends in a given year

Good afternoon, I would like to create a function that, given a year, would return a dataframe with all the dates in Timestamp format related to the Saturdays and Sundays of that year. That is to say: The function would return: If you can tell me an optimal way to get that dataframe I would be grateful. Answer Well here’s

How do I loop column names in a pandas dataframe?

I am new to Python and have never really used Pandas, so forgive me if this doesn’t make sense. I am trying to create a df based on frontend data I am sending to a flask route. The data is looped through and appended for each row. My only problem is that I don’t know how to get the df

Django: Use makedirs in AWS S3

I have code that will automate CSVs and it will create a dir using makedirs with uuid dirname. The code is working on my local machine but not in S3. I am using an href to download the csv file by passing file_path in context. def .. Thanks a lot! Answer For python and s3 you need to have
