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Tag: image

Ignore image name while getting hash

I’m coding a program which’ll take an image for an input, check it against images in a database and output the image with the same hash However, when using hash(“imagepath”) 2 of the same images give different hashes, even when the only difference is the image’s name, which makes me believe the name is the issue Is there a way

Trying to resize image on 2nd window of Tkinter GUI

This code will open a main window with an image, then another window with the same image. Is there any way to resize the image to be smaller? (go to # !>>> IMAGE 2 (2nd window)) Here is the code: Answer I see Bryan Oakley has already posted an answer your question, but I’ll supplement it with my own, which

Remove white borders from segmented images

I am trying to segment lung CT images using Kmeans by using code below: The problem is the segmented lung still contains white borderers like this: Segmented lung (output): Unsegmented lung (input): The full code can be found in Google Colab Notebook. code. And sample of the dataset is here. Answer For this problem, I don’t recommend using Kmeans color
