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Tag: computer-vision

error: (-215:Assertion failed) !empty() in function CV2 Error

I am making a program in python that just draws a rectangle around a car. I am currently stuck on getting the coordinates of the car, here is the code: I am running in on an error with the function “cv2.detectMultiScale”. error: I have tried googling, it says to use cv2.CascadeClassifier( + “cars.xml”) instead of cv2.CascadeClassifier(“cars.xml”). It didn’t work :(,

Luminance Correction (Prospective Correction)

When I was searching internet for an algorithm to correct luminance I came across this article about prospective correction and retrospective correction. I’m mostly interested in the prospective correction. Basically we take pictures of the scene with image in it(original one), and two other ,one bright and one dark, pictures where we only see the background of the original picture.

How to use pt file

I’m trying to make a currency recognition model and I did so using a dataset on kaggle and colab using yolov5 and I exactly carried out the steps explained on yolov5 github. At the end, I downloaded a .pt file which has the weights of the model and now I want to use it in python file to detect and

Remove white borders from segmented images

I am trying to segment lung CT images using Kmeans by using code below: The problem is the segmented lung still contains white borderers like this: Segmented lung (output): Unsegmented lung (input): The full code can be found in Google Colab Notebook. code. And sample of the dataset is here. Answer For this problem, I don’t recommend using Kmeans color
