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Tag: torchvision

CPU only pytorch is crashing with error AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled

I’m trying to run the code from this repository and I need to use Pytorch 1.4.0. I’ve installed the CPU only version of pytorch with pip install torch==1.4.0+cpu torchvision==0.5.0+cpu -f I ran the program by doing py -m train_Kfold_CV –device 0 –fold_id 10 –np_data_dir “C:UsersusernameOneDriveDesktopemadeldeenAttnSleepprepare_datasetsedf_20_npz” but I’m getting this error: I’ve changed the number of GPU in the config cannot find reference read_image() in __init.py__

I am trying to import read_image from and when i hover the error it says cannot find reference ‘read_image’ in ‘__init.py__’ I am following this example from import read_image ImportError: cannot import name ‘read_image’ from ‘’ ( This is the error I’m getting. Answer You need to upgrade the version of your pytorch

How can I generate and display a grid of images in PyTorch with plt.imshow and torchvision.utils.make_grid?

I am trying to understand how torchvision interacts with mathplotlib to produce a grid of images. It’s easy to generate images and display them iteratively: However, displaying these images in a grid does not seem to be as straightforward. Even though PyTorch’s documentation indicates that w is the correct shape, Python says that it isn’t. So I tried to permute
