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Tag: object-detection

How do I create a model from a state dict?

I am trying to load a checkpoint pth file from the faster_rcnn_resnet101 model which is not currently in the PyTorch model zoo. This causes PyTorch to throw a KeyError saying that I the layers in the state dict does not match the model architecture of faster_rcnn_fpn_resnet50 that I’ve loaded from the model zoo. Note: I tried posting the architecture of

How do I use the exported ‘” file from yolov5 colab file to run the trained weights locally?

I have trained my model using yoloV5 on google colab, following the provided tutorial and walkthrough provided for training any custom model: Colab file for training your own custom model. I now have an exported file after running the last cell in the link provided. Now, I want to make use of this trained weight to run a detection

ValueError: Expected x_max for bbox (0.65, 0.51, 1.12, 0.64, 3) to be in the range [0.0, 1.0], got 1.1234809015877545

I want to apply data augmentations from PyTorch’s Albumentations to images with bounding boxes. When I apply the HorizontalFlip Transformation, I receive this error ValueError: Expected x_max for bbox (0.6505353259854019, 0.517013871576637, 1.1234809015877545, 0.6447916687466204, 3) to be in the range [0.0, 1.0], got 1.1234809015877545. I use the following code When I apply the Cutout transformation, I do not have any error

morphological transformation opencv noob questiong

hope you all have good day today. so I’m here learning python,opencv on a raspberry pi and Im hoping that someone can explain what the code below do, I’ve read from and it doesn’t explain what iterations mean and how to choose the best one? and what’s the use for object detection, thank you. Answer It is quite an
