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Tag: graphics

Turtle graphic not running?

i’m more of a backend web developer and this is for a friend of mine but i have this issue with turtle where her code wont run and i keep getting syntax errors saying certain things aren’t defined. Heres the code Answer If you use import turtle then you have to use turtle.penup(), turtle.setposition(), etc. Original code would work if

obtaining a single plot of two contour lines matplotlib

I am making a program that interpolates the points of some level curves, but when it comes to graphing, I am obtaining two individual graphs of the two level curves and not a single graph. I would like to get this output: Answer You need to declare plt.figure() only once, outside of the for loop. Inside the for loop you

How to show data by day in a Plotly chart

I have a dataframe with the number of people vaccinated per day and I’m trying to put this data in a daily bar chart of Plotly, but it aggregates the data every about 13 days. I don’t want the aggregated view this way, I need it to show the bars per day. Below is a part of the dataframe and

How to make a shape a button in Tkinter

Is there a way to make a shape a button in a tkinter canvas? Or, to put it simply, is there a way to figure out if the user clicked the rectangle drawn above? Answer I don’t know how to see if someone clicks the rectangle but you could have the color change if a cursor hovers over it… I’m

Need help implementing flood-fill algorithm

So I’m trying to create a flood fill algorithm and I keep getting a recursion error with this. The algorithm seems to have infinite recursion and I cannot pinpoint why. I have looked all over the internet and I cannot find a solution as it seems like my program is correct according to most sources. There seems to be something

Ray and square/rectangle intersection in 3D

Hei. Are making a game and are looking for a ray intersection onto a square or a rectangle only in 3D space. Have search the web and found many solutions but nothing i can understand have a line and line segment intersection script in 2D but i cant figure out have to make it 3D. It is not important from

Finding points on a rectangle at a given angle

I’m trying to draw a gradient in a rectangle object, with a given angle (Theta), where the ends of the gradient are touching the perimeter of the rectangle. I thought that using tangent would work, but I’m having trouble getting the kinks out. Is there an easy algorithm that I am just missing? End Result So, this is going to

How to read the RGB value of a given pixel in Python?

If I open an image with open(“image.jpg”), how can I get the RGB values of a pixel assuming I have the coordinates of the pixel? Then, how can I do the reverse of this? Starting with a blank graphic, ‘write’ a pixel with a certain RGB value? I would prefer if I didn’t have to download any additional libraries. Answer
