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Tag: scikit-image

module ‘’ has no attribute ‘imread’

I used this code to read an image, but I got an error as “” has no attribute “imread”. My skimage version is 0.18.1. What has to be changed in this to read an image? Answer The error is straightforward. You try to call the imread function in the data module, but there is no such function in this module.

Skimage Rescale Segmentation Mask

Can somebody explain why I cannot use rescale() from here to rescale a segmentation mask? I tried the following: I’d expect the result to contain only ones, but this does not happen. What is the correct way of downscaling the height and width of a segmentation mask by half? Answer I think we can classify this as a bug. The

Detect rectangles in an image with Python

I have a large collection of binary images like these ones: On each image I need to detect the white rectangle. The rectangles have different dimensions and orientations and sometimes they are interrupted by a black line (see image 2). I think the problem is easy to solve if one could remove the noisy background. Thus, I tried first using
