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Tag: docker

Why use requirements.txt in a Docker image

There is a similar question from last year but I don’t think the responses are widely applicable and it’s not accepted. Edit: this is in the context of developing small jobs that will only be run in docker in-house; I’m not talking about sharing work with anyone outside a small team, or about projects getting heavy re-use. What advantage do

How to solve Tesseract “Failed loading language ‘eng'” problem in a Docker image

I recently received an error such as: I have a python file where I specify the pytesseract location: pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r”to/my/path” then I also included the tesseract and pytessearch in requirements and install tesseract-ocr in dockerfile. I do not understand why it happens but can anyone assist? I actually also copied my tesseract-ocr folder to image in dockerfile Edited: Below

Optimizing the workflow for Python development using Docker+WSL2

I use different languages on a daily basis and hate it when my machine gets cluttered with many language specific installations/programs/environments. Therefore I’m currently exploring if using Docker+WSL2 as a runtime for my different projects suffices for keeping my host machine clean without too much overhead. My current workflow at the example of Python: Create Python project on host machine
