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Tag: docker

Docker run error – Failed to find Flask application or factory in module “app”. Use “FLASK_APP=app:name to specify one

trying to dockerize this flask app… running the following docker build –tag flask-website . works, output successfully built, successfully tagged. edit: the next command works ok, so then I run curl localhost:5000 which gives this error ok straight forward enough, so then I try this docker-compose up and this results however trying to navigate to localhost:5000 I get directory structure

Why isn’t my .Dockerignore file ignoring files?

When I build the container and I check the files that should have been ignored, most of them haven’t been ignored. This is my folder structure. Let’s say i want to ignore the __pycache__ & data(data will be created with the docker-compose up command, when creating the container) folders and the .gitignore & .env files. I will ignore these with

How to connect to remote Selenium drivers within the same docker-compose?

I ran into a urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=’chromedriver’, port=4444): Max retries exceeded with url: /wd/hub/session (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fc2de559bb0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused’)) While running Selenium via Python and Docker. My Connection looks like this: The docker-compose like this: Thanks in advance! Answer I solved it by changing the entrypoint of “runner” to: I

How to access selenoid ui using selenoid?

Actually, I am trying to create new google profile in selenoid session and one of the ways that I found out is to use vnc to click some buttons that selenium can`t. But when I am trying to get localhost:8080 the page doesn`t load. So, what should I do? Answer You will have to link the selenoid and selenoid-ui containers.

How to install packages in Airflow (docker-compose)?

The question is very similar to the one already available. The only difference is that I ran Airflow in docker Step by step: Put docker-compose.yaml to PyCharm project Put requirements.txt to PyCharm project Run docker-compose up Run DAG and receive a ModuleNotFoundError I want to start Airflow using docker-compose with the dependencies from requirements.txt. These dependencies should be available by

Docker image not running on host 8050

I am trying to teach myself how to deploy a dash application on AWS. I have created a folder ‘DashboardImage’ on my mac that contains a Dockerfile,, requirements.txt and an app folder that contains my python dash app ‘’. My Dockerfile looks like this: I go into the DashboardImage folder and run It built successfully and if I run
