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Tag: docker

Failing to install psycopg2-binary on new docker container

I have encountered a problem while trying to run my django project on a new Docker container. It is my first time using Docker and I can’t seem to find a good way to run a django project on it. Having tried multiple tutorials, I always get the error about psycopg2 not being installed. requirements.txt: Dockerfile: While running docker-compose build,

How to solve “Could not find any Python installation to use” with docker node alpine Image when adding bcrypt to package.json?

Before I added bcrypt to my package.json, everything was working fine. Now, I get the error message below. This is an excerpt of my package.json: This is my dockerfile. I am using the offical node alpine image. I wonder if alpine has phyton already installed. I get this error message when I run docker-compose: How can I solve this issue?

Flask app on Docker: Max retries exceeded with URL

I’m working on a simple Flask app for which I’m using the default template: I’m just calling a dummy function that return and ‘ok’ response: When I call it directly on my machine with the following code: It works without any issue, but if I run it from the docker image I get the following error: ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=’localhost’, port=5000): Max

Windows compatibility: Permissions?

OS Windows 10, I am using Docker Engine version 18.09.2, the API version is 1.39 The website explaining the steps to run CAT is: I am building the medcat image locally. Output looks good until the end of the build process: When I am trying to start the container I just built, I get: Does anyone have experience with
