Consider this file: Executing python manually yields what I expect: However, if I execute this inside a Docker container, something weird happens: How can I fix this, to make Docker respect the correct output order? Notes: This problem also happens with stderr, although the above MCVE does not show it. The MCVE uses the python image directly but
Tag: docker
How can I activate conda venv in Dockerfile? (pip not found)
I’m trying to build a docker image like However, /bin/bash -c “source ~/.bashrc” does not work… so I got /bin/sh: 1: pip: not found How can I build a docker image installing miniconda and python requirements using pip at the same time? Answer I would recommend using a pre-existing Docker image that already has Anaconda installed. For example, this link
Why use requirements.txt in a Docker image
There is a similar question from last year but I don’t think the responses are widely applicable and it’s not accepted. Edit: this is in the context of developing small jobs that will only be run in docker in-house; I’m not talking about sharing work with anyone outside a small team, or about projects getting heavy re-use. What advantage do
How to solve Tesseract “Failed loading language ‘eng'” problem in a Docker image
I recently received an error such as: I have a python file where I specify the pytesseract location: pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r”to/my/path” then I also included the tesseract and pytessearch in requirements and install tesseract-ocr in dockerfile. I do not understand why it happens but can anyone assist? I actually also copied my tesseract-ocr folder to image in dockerfile Edited: Below
How to redirect FastAPI Documentation while running on Docker
I need to redirect “/swagger-ui.html” to the documentation page. I tried: and But, running the project directly (using uvicorn command) I works, but when I put it on a Docker container, it outputs this message on the browser, asking for the location, where nothing works as input: Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registration
Optimizing the workflow for Python development using Docker+WSL2
I use different languages on a daily basis and hate it when my machine gets cluttered with many language specific installations/programs/environments. Therefore I’m currently exploring if using Docker+WSL2 as a runtime for my different projects suffices for keeping my host machine clean without too much overhead. My current workflow at the example of Python: Create Python project on host machine
The most robust way to work with the specific version of Tensorflow with GPU support
The project I am working on uses the Tensorflow 2.0, which is not the most recent version of this Deep Learning Framework and I would like to enable GPU support. I have already locally installed Tensorflow 2.4.1 for another purposes with CUDA-11.0. This version of Tensorflow sees the GPU on my PC and I can perform training and inference without
Error building my web application using Docker
I am a newbie using Docker, I have completed my web application in Django, and I want to containerize it using Docker. I have gone through a particular tutorial where an existing web application was dockerized successfully but when I tried the same method, I got an error which says Failed to execute script docker-compose error logs Dockerfile docker-compose.yml Answer
docker hub do you create a repository for every image
I am new to docker and docker hub. I am trying to understand the repository on docker hub. I have dockerized a django web app using nginx and gunicorn. My question is: Since this has multiple images within the container: would each image be a different repository on docker hub or would it be in the same repository, but with
Reverse for ‘wagtailadmin_explore’ with arguments ‘(”,)’ not found
I have been trying to rebuild my Wagtail website as a docker container to be run on Fargate. For reasons, I started from scratch and rebuilt all my dependencies. After pip installing everything, the site works fine locally using venv. However, I get strange errors when launching the in the Docker container. Can anyone help me identify a fix for