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Django: Use firstof of if-else block inside blocktrans

I have two variables var1 and var2. I want to do this, It gives me error that ‘blocktrans’ doesn’t allow other block tags. Because we are not allowed to use any other tag inside blocktrans, what is the solution of this kind of problem? Answer From django 1.9 onwards, you can use firstof to assign result to context. See django-docs

Django admin is_staff based on group

Is it possible to have is_staff selected by choosing a group? Let’s say there are two groups: users, admins When a new user is in the users group he is not staff, but if he is in the admins group he is staff. Answer I managed to make it work by extending the UserAdmin class and in the get_form function

Why does fftfreq produce negative values?

From the documentation for fftfreq: Why are there negative values in the output array? I am trying to produce a plot of amplitude vs frequency. I can get the amplitude by running the abs() function over the elements of fourier, but how do I convert freq into a series of frequencies that I can use as an x-axis when plotting

Dealing with masked coordinate arrays in pcolormesh

I’m working on visualizing some climate model output. The computation is done on a projected latitude/longitude grid. Since the model is simulating sea ice, all land grid cells are masked. The standard tools for plotting geographical information in Python are Basemap and Cartopy, both of which use matplotlib routines. In particular, pcolormesh is the obvious choice for plotting. If there
