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Django percentage field

I’m trying to create a percentage field in Django, where the user just fills in 40 for 40%. There will be a percentage sign on the right of the input box so that they know they should fill in a percentage. 0.4 must be stored in the DB. So far I’ve tried the following: It works, but the problem is,

How to convert CRLF to LF on a Windows machine in Python

So I got those template, they are all ending in LF and I can fill some terms inside with format and still get LF files by opening with “wb”. Those templates are used in a deployment script on a windows machine to deploy on a unix server. Problem is, a lot of people are going to mess with those template,

Spark-submit: undefined function parse_url

The function – parse_url always works fine if we working with spark-sql throw sql-client (via thrift server), IPython, pyspark-shell, but it doesn’t work throw spark-submit mode: The error is: So, we are using workaround here: Please, any help with this issue? Answer Spark >= 2.0 Same as below, but use SparkSession with Hive support enabled: Spark < 2.0 parse_url is

how can i write comments on some cells of excel sheet using pandas

I didn’t find anything that enable me to write comments on some specific cell while writing excel sheet using panadas.to_excel . Any help is appreciated. Answer After searching for some time, I think the best way to handle comments or other such properties like color and size of text at cell or sheet level is to use XlsxWriter with pandas.

Django download a file

I’m quite new to using Django and I am trying to develop a website where the user is able to upload a number of excel files, these files are then stored in a media folder Webproject/project/media. The document is then displayed in a list along with any other document they have uploaded, which you can click into and it will

Confusion between prepared statement and parameterized query in Python

As far as I understand, prepared statements are (mainly) a database feature that allows you to separate parameters from the code that uses such parameters. Example: A parameterized query substitutes the manual string interpolation, so instead of doing we can do Now, it seems that prepared statements are, for the most part, used in the database language and parameterized queries

run a crontab job using an anaconda env

I want to have a cron job execute a python script using an already existing anaconda python environment called my_env. The only thing I can think to do is have the cron job run a script called my_script.bash which in turn activates the env and then runs the python script. Trying to execute this script from the command lines doesn’t

Closing a Panda3d app without shutting down the whole Process

wrote a small application which is composed of a QT GUI module which in turn initiate an object that inherits from ShowBase class. Problem is, if I close the Panda App, the ShowBase class calls finalizeExit() which in turn shuts the whole process by calling exit. If I avoid calling the finalize method by overriding userExit(), the resources for the
