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Tag: panda3d

Ursina FirstPersonController Change Collider Not Working

My Issue I am using the Panda3D wrapper for Python to run some 1st person game tests. I would like the collider of the ursina camera type called the FirstPersonController to extend its collider over the sprite. I have tried (without really knowing how as there aren’t many tutorials on Ursina) using a BoxCollider() but I didn’t really get how

Closing a Panda3d app without shutting down the whole Process

wrote a small application which is composed of a QT GUI module which in turn initiate an object that inherits from ShowBase class. Problem is, if I close the Panda App, the ShowBase class calls finalizeExit() which in turn shuts the whole process by calling exit. If I avoid calling the finalize method by overriding userExit(), the resources for the
