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how to sort pandas dataframe from one column

I have a data frame like this: As you can see, months are not in calendar order. So I created a second column to get the month number corresponding to each month (1-12). From there, how can I sort this data frame according to calendar months’ order? Answer Use sort_values to sort the df by a specific column’s values: If

How to delete row/rows from a qtableview in pyqt?

I am using QStandardItemModel for my qtableview. here when I am trying to delete the row selected(i.e. model.removeRow() ) I am getting a error” TypeError: argument 1 of QAbstractItemModel.removeRow() has an invalid type”. I have searched a lot for the correct way of deleting a selected row/rows in qtableview of pyqt. However, I am not able to delete the selected

Unable to start Airflow worker/flower and need clarification on Airflow architecture to confirm that the installation is correct

Running a worker on a different machine results in errors specified below. I have followed the configuration instructions and have sync the dags folder. I would also like to confirm that RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL only needs to be installed on the Airflow core machine and does not need to be installed on the workers (the workers only connect to the

How do I select and store columns greater than a number in pandas?

I have a pandas DataFrame with a column of integers. I want the rows containing numbers greater than 10. I am able to evaluate True or False but not the actual value, by doing: I don’t use Python very often so I’m going round in circles with this. I’ve spent 20 minutes Googling but haven’t been able to find what

Python/Pandas create zip file from csv

Is anyone can provide example how to create zip file from csv file using Python/Pandas package? Thank you Answer Use From the docs: compression : string, optional a string representing the compression to use in the output file, allowed values are ‘gzip’, ‘bz2’, ‘xz’, only used when the first argument is a filename See discussion of support of zip files

How to convert Julian date to standard date?

I have a string as Julian date like “16152” meaning 152’nd day of 2016 or “15234” meaning 234’th day of 2015. How can I convert these Julian dates to format like 20/05/2016 using Python 3 standard library? I can get the year 2016 like this: date = 20 + julian[0:1], where julian is the string containing the Julian date, but

Python Element Tree Writing to New File

Hi so I’ve been struggling with this and can’t quite figure out why I’m getting errors. Trying to export just some basic XML into a new file, keeps giving me a TypeError. Below is a small sample of the code Answer The ElementTree.write method defaults to us-ascii encoding and as such expects a file opened for writing binary: The output

Expand index notation equation using sympy

Below I have an equation written using index notation. This equation can be expressed with the six equations on the figure. The first equation is expanded using index notation (einstein notation: In U_k,k the comma is a convention for derivative. Since we have repeated indices (k,k) we apply the summation convention and get (du_1/dx_1 + du_2/dx_2 + du_3/dx_3). On
