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What are python’s equivalents of std::lower_bound and std::upper_bound C++ algorithms?

Does python provide functions for performing binary search on sorted lists, analogous to the std::lower_bound and std::upper_bound algorithms of the C++ Standard Library? Answer Those functions are located in the bisect module: bisect.bisect_left(a, x, lo=0, hi=len(a)) is the analog of std::lower_bound(). bisect.bisect_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=len(a)) is the analog of std::upper_bound(). Note: there is also a function bisect() which is an

In numpy, what does selection by [:,None] do?

I’m taking the Udacity course on deep learning and I came across the following code: What does labels[:,None] actually do here? Answer numpy.newaxis The newaxis object can be used in all slicing operations to create an axis of length one. :const: newaxis is an alias for ‘None’, and ‘None’ can be used in place of this with the same

Python cmd module – Resume prompt after asynchronous event

I am maintaining an operator terminal based on cmd. The customer asked for an alerting behavior. e.g. a message shown onscreen when some asynchronous event occurs. I made a thread that periodically checks for alerts, and when it finds some, it just prints them to stdout. This seems to work OK, but it doesn’t seem very elegant, and it has

Can you obtain physical size of device in kivy?

Does anyone know how Kivy renders text in different fonts? I have labels with text at 16sp. On a tablets with screen sizes (1024, 552) and (2048, 1536) it works perfectly (width/height ratios 1.855 and 1.333 respectively) On the pc with screen size (1280, 720) (ratio 1.778) it also displays perfectly, but on a phone with this screen size the

Django: Query Group By Month

How to calculate total by month without using extra? I’m currently using: django 1.8 postgre 9.3.13 Python 2.7 Example. What I have tried so far. and also this one, the answer seems great but I can’t import the TruncMonth module. Django: Group by date (day, month, year) P.S. I know that this question is already asked multiple times but I

Implement packing/unpacking in an object

I have a class that only contains attributes and I would like packing/unpacking to work on it. What should I implement to get this behaviour? I would like to avoid using a namedtuple. Answer You can unpack any Iterable. This means you need to implement the __iter__ method, and return an iterator. In your case, this could simply be:

Hide ffmpeg’s console window when running YoutubeDL in GUI application

I’m developing a basic application which can download YouTube videos. Throughout the development, I had several quirks, including issues with formats. I decided to use a hopefully foolproof format syntax that youtube-dl will happily download for me in almost any case. Part of my YoutubeDL options look like this: The outtmpl is inserted later on when output folder is chosen

Seaborn pairplot legend – how to control position

I would like to move the Seaborn pairplot legend outside the scatter plot matrix. The official docs don’t give a keyword legend. I am trying to plot the legend outside the plot in 3 different locations simultaneously: bottom center, top center, right center I have tried this: The output of the above code is this file: . All 3 legends
