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Tag: qt

PyQT: Storing multidimensional data and displaying as QTableView using model/view framework

EDIT: I’ve changed my approach since asking this question – see answer below. I’m building an application which displays data in a series of tables. I’m currently using PyQT’s item-based QTableWidget and manually updating the tables whenever data changes. I’d like to migrate to a model/view architecture using QAbstractItemModel and QTableView. My data has 3 dimensions: I’d like to store

Python Widget with SizePolicy

Why the sizePolicy doesn’t affect on widgets that aren’t in layout? here is an example: But that doesn’t work, if you changed the main window size the red box still has the same size. So how can I make that red box resizeable when the parent (main window) is changing. NOTE: I don’t want to use Layouts for some reason.

GRC QT GUI Range with slider presents error

Using GNU Radio Companion My application has a “QT GUI Range” block. When the Widget is set to “Counter + Slider” I get the error The Python code for this condition is, With the Widget set to “Counter” there is no error. Now that same Python line is, How can I use the desired slider? = = = The

Frozen widgets in QScrollArea

I’m trying to create a grid of square buttons that is scrollable if the window is too small to show all of them. I’d like there to be labels on the left-most column and top-most row showing the button indices. Is there a way to create a QScrollArea with the widgets (labels) in the top-most row and left-most column “frozen”.

How to create .ts files for Qt Linguist with PySide6?

I have a python project written with PySide2 and now I want to migrate to PySide6. I used Qt Linguist to translate UI and created .ts files with help of this command: pylupdate5 utility from PyQt5 package (but it worked fine for my project with PySide2). Now I plan to get rid of PySide2 and PyQt5 packages. So, I need
