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How do I call a separate python program using a button in tkinter?

I want to create a button in tkinter and when pressed, have that button call a different program into this program. (this is just an example) Say I have the one program that shows the button that says “Square root” and I have another program that takes a number such as: 4, using the input() function, and finds the square

Why won’t pySerial write inside of my program?

So I have a program set up on my arduino nano which reads a single byte from the serial port and turns on an LED depending on whether or not the byte received was 1 or 0. I thoroughly tested this program, both on the Serial monitor and with pySerial in the python 3 shell, and it worked fine. But

How to make Python inquirer working in Pycharm?

Hello, I’m trying to make an interactive menu in python console. I found python-inquirer should be good for my purpose, but it doesn’t work in PyCharm when I run it, it just prints out the options and I can’t choose anything. Does anyone know what my problem is and how to solve it? I’m really happy for any help. The

Selenium thinks button is clickable when it’s disabled and raises WebDriverException

I know there’s someone else having the same problem as me, but it turns out he’s using a different code as me. (I’m NOT having the same problem with this : Selenium identifies the button as clickable when it wasn’t) So, apparently I’ve tried to make the page refreshes everytime the button is unclickable or disabled using the WebDriverException error.

Split number into the primes inside it

So I have a list of numbers that look like “3723311723” and “13617172343”. As you can see these numbers can be split into prime numbers e.g “3723311723” could be split into 37, 23, 31 ect. How could I write a python program that takes a number like this as an input and returns a list of the primes inside it

SGDRegressor() constantly not increasing validation performance

The model fit of my SGDRegressor wont increase or decrease its performance on the validation set (test) after around 20’000 training records. Even if I try to switch penalty, early_stopping (True/False) or alpha,eta0 to extremely high or low levels, there is no change in the behavior of the “stuck” validation score test. I used StandardScaler and shuffled the data for

Django admin panel has no styling

When I started my project and went to the admin panel the admin panel had no styling There is no styling as usual. What should I do to fix it. Thank you Answer run python collectstatic to collect the admin static files ensure your webserver can serve static files from your STATIC_DIR
