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Tag: webdriverwait

How to press button?

I’m pretty new with the selenium module in python and I’m not able to press a button. Here the HTML-Code: Here’s a minimal example: what am I doing wrong? Context I want to automatically select the language of the website. Answer It seems to be your locator strategy is correct. You can shorten your xpath expression as follows:

How to interact with interactive elements inside iframe using Selenium

How can I interact with the ddlDelegacion (dropdown menu) element in this webpage using selenium webdriver for python? I´m doing this to periodically download some (periodically updated) documents from a government webpage for my family The HTML code is this My approach is this: However it raises this exception: If i don´t use the driver.switch_to_frame it throws this exception despite

How can I print more links from the HTML DOM using Python Selenium?

Html: Python selenium code trials: Output: How print ooooo.pdf and aaaaa.pdf? I want to print more links, what should I do? Answer element_to_be_clickable() returns a single WebElement hence href attribute of only the first matching element is printed. Solution To extract all the href attribute values you have to induce WebDriverWait for visibility_of_all_elements_located() and you can use either of the
