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Tag: menu

Advance on getting information from a menu

This is my entire code: The main bit I am struggerling with is line 45. We have to create a function that will ask the user to enter the first letter of the surname of a person. Once the user has entered the letter then the program will display all of the attributes such firstname, lastname, address and phone

How do I make menu options do different things in WxPython?

I have a problem with my menu in WxPython! In the file header I have ‘File’ and in that I have 2 options, ‘Save’ and ‘Close’…When I click save, I want it to print “Saved” and when I clock quit, the application should print “Closed” and close…But if I click even save it’s closing! So can you please help me.

How to make Python inquirer working in Pycharm?

Hello, I’m trying to make an interactive menu in python console. I found python-inquirer should be good for my purpose, but it doesn’t work in PyCharm when I run it, it just prints out the options and I can’t choose anything. Does anyone know what my problem is and how to solve it? I’m really happy for any help. The
