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Tag: eval

Using eval within a dict

I want to evaluate the value of a dict key, using the dict itself. For example: When I do this it includes a bunch of unnecessary stuff in the dict. In the above example it prints: Instead, in the above example I just want: How to resolve this issue? Thank you! Answer Pass a copy of dict to eval(): Prints:

math module not working in a string for eval

Suppose I have this code: but I only get this error: NameError: name ‘math’ is not defined How can I fix this? Answer The second parameter to eval, if present, should reference the global namespace. Here, you explicitely assigned an empty dict to it, so you don’t have any access to the name math of the global namespace. You could

Calling round(), ceiling(), floor(), min(), max() in pandas eval

As title says, Is there a way to support round, ceiling, min, max, floor functions in pandas eval. DataFrame: abs() and sqrt() function works with pandas eval. i.e. can anyone suggest how to access rest of the functions in eval? I also tried ‘local_dict’ in eval to see if I can define custom functions and call them but it didn’t

Using python’s eval() vs. ast.literal_eval()

I have a situation with some code where eval() came up as a possible solution. Now I have never had to use eval() before but, I have come across plenty of information about the potential danger it can cause. That said, I’m very wary about using it. My situation is that I have input being given by a user: Where
