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Pydantic enum field does not get converted to string

I am trying to restrict one field in a class to an enum. However, when I try to get a dictionary out of class, it doesn’t get converted to string. Instead it retains the enum. I checked pydantic documentation, but couldn’t find anything relevant to my problem. This code is representative of what I actually need. I’m trying to get

Split Series of tuples into multiple columns

I have a series of tuples of the form (‘Name’, Number), and I would like to split them into two columns, one being the name, the other being the number. I’d like to end up with something like this: I’ve tried a few iterations of splitting strings, applying a lambda function, etc, and can’t seem to get this simple process

How to only scrape link from webpage – Python

My goal is to get each link My code prints the href/link, however it also prints other junk which i do not want. I only want the href/ Answer Because href=True means get those tags with href attribute.There are still Tag. To get the href, you also need to use .get(“href”).Since there is only one button in each session tag,

attributeError when calling method of object class

Trying to animate a car with button to accelerate and decelerate. When I press a button to accelerate/decelerate, I get an error in the ‘if’ statements on both methods “AttributeError: ‘bool’ object has no attribute ‘speed'”. Can someone help me figure out what’s going wrong? Thank you! Answer You should pass to clicked.connect a method bound to the object in

How can I make program a bit cleaner?

I have this pretty ugly program (really cluttered) is there any way I could make it cleaner, less cluttered, etc. Thanks! P.S. (If you want to try to run this program prepare to be amazed.) Answer First of all, nice work with the drawing! Here is my suggestion: Things for you to try next: Making the elements size relative to

What type of iterable is “x for x in y”?

I’ve been confused of list comprehension in Python, although its shorthand doing for loop is very convenient. I’m not sure if what’s in the join() function’s parameter below is list comprehension since usually you put [] around to show it’s a list comprehension. My question: What’s the type of iterable produced by str(x) for x in res[::-1] in join() below?

How can I get the value of a row in a column in SQLite 3 table with Tkinter Listbox widget?

I have Python program connected to SQLite 3 database with Tkinter on the frontend. My database table (subjectlist) consists of three columns: [id (unique interger), subject (text), serial (unique integer)]. Here is my program: Currently at runtime when I click item on listbox (witch basically shows all subject column values) and then press Tkinter button I get the subject I
